Our trip to Genting Highlands. It was our first time there. It was cold and quite fun. Love it.
Alicia, Fiona and the Thai students... Alicia and Fiona... "Fiona, smile"... "Ok lah, Alicia"... Fiona and me in front of a cool backdrop...
Us on really cool bumper boats...
Me, Alicia and Fiona with the Thai students... Alicia and Fiona on the Space Shot... I was too scared to go... But I went to all the roller coasters with them... Just this one I didn't go... Waiting for the go karts... Go karts was so fun... I want my driver's license....
Easter SUNDAY.
Fiona leading the meeting... The Sonday S'cool children giving their hearts to Jesus by putting the flowers with their names on the hearts on the Cross... THE CROSS... It was the most beautiful and wonderful thing Jesus did for us on the cross... Decorations... Praying for all the children... Caleb and Jesslyn... Isn't she adorable?...
Giving little tokens of love to all the mummies in the corps.. My mommy and Aunty Jasinta... Yummy cake... MMMmmmm... All the beloved mummies in the corps... Angelynn being vain... "Take my picture, take my picture"...
MAPs activities.
En ready to shoot... Hwei Ling... Pauline... "Ok, stand still. I'm ready to shoot the apple on your head."... Just kidding...
Ropes course aka tree climbing... Me climbing up...
Carmen Ng Mae Yi aka Carmy.. eldest sis.. loves singin, dancin, playin da piano n trombone, readin, praisin God, watchin tv n lots more.. dislikes 2 much noise, homework, studyin n messes..
Alicia Ng Mae Chern.. 2nd eldest sis.. loves sports, praisin God, listenin 2 music, playin drums, bass, guitar, sleepin, eatin n loves Man Utd!.. dislikes school, work n spoil sports..
Caleb Ng Wei Yung aka Caleby.. only bro n 2nd youngest.. loves playin ps, computer, gunbound, soccer n chat.. dislikes chores, chelsea n sissy stuff..
Angelynn Ng Mae Lynn aka Angie... baby sis... loves watchin Playhouse Disney, singin n dancin...
We all r Christians n go to The Salvation Army.. We r part of our youth group called SAY Fired up!.. That's all..
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